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How Can You Tell If Your Baby Is Cold? And What Should  You Do About It?

How Can You Tell If Your Baby Is Cold? And What Should You Do About It?

How Can You Tell If Your Baby Is Cold? And What Should You Do About It?

As a new parent, one of the hardest things to do is to learn your little one's cues and what they mean. Since babies are helpless, it falls upon the parent to pick up signs of sleepiness, hunger, sickness, irritability, temperature, and more. Some signs, like whether or not your little one is cold, are harder to pick up on than others. Here’s how to tell that your baby is cold and what to do about it. 

Signs That Your Baby Is Cold

  • Their Feet and Hands Feel Cold

Although this is not the best indicator of your baby's general body temperature, heat leaves the body rapidly through the feet and hats, and they are often the most exposed. If you suspect that your baby is cold, you can feel their feet or hands, or even the back of their neck.

  • Their Skin Is Pale

If your baby is chilly, their skin could become paler than usual. If you notice that your baby is losing color in his/her face or another exposed part of the body, they need to be warmed up immediately.

  • They Start To Sneeze

A baby might start to sneeze if they are cold. This is a response that is triggered by the hypothalamus, which is the part of the brain that regulates body temperature.

  • They Are Fussy

In the initial stages of feeling cold, you may notice that your baby is fussy when nothing else seems to be wrong. 

  • They Are Unusually Still And Quiet

One of the more concerning indications that your baby is cold is if they're being unusually still, quiet, and generally lethargic. This means that they are experiencing the early stages of hypothermia and need to be warmed up as soon as possible.

How To Keep Your Baby Warm

Keep your little one warm by dressing him/her in warm layers. To make sure that your baby is comfortable, have him/her in one additional layer than what you have. Breathable cotton clothes are ideal for layering.

Because a lot of heat is lost through a baby's head, hands, and feet, these areas must be covered. Put them in a breathable cap, mittens, and socks for added warmth.

  • Check The Room Temperature

Make sure that your baby's space is warm enough. The ideal temperature for a baby's sleeping space ranges between 64.4°F and 68°F (18°C and 20°C). You can check to see if the temperature of the room is ideal using a thermometer.

  • Swaddle Your Baby

For especially cold days/nights, you want to have a cozy swaddling blanket that you can wrap your baby in to keep him/her warm. Alternatively, you can put your little one in a wearable blanket if he/she keeps wriggling out of swaddles.

Final Thoughts

Babies are unable to self-regulate their body temperatures, so you have to be vigilant about monitoring their temperature if you want to make sure that they are warm enough, whether they are indoors or outdoors. With the tips outlined here, it should be a little easier to identify the signs that they are getting cold and to do what needs to be done to warm them up. 

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