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A Month-By-Month Guide to Celebrating Christmas with Your Baby

A Month-By-Month Guide to Celebrating Christmas with Your Baby

A Month-By-Month Guide to Celebrating Christmas with Your Baby

Wondering how to celebrate Christmas with your baby? This guide will break down how to do it depending on your baby’s age, starting right from birth all the way to 12 months. 

0 Months

Your baby has just been born! She has just started to adjust to life outside the womb. There is really not much to it at this age. Your little one will spend most of her time sleeping, so just make sure she is comfortable, happy, and loved. While at it, take care of yourself, too, because you’ve just done an amazing job and you need to recover. 

While your little one is still too young to understand what is going on, it’s never too early to start a new Christmas tradition! Try doing something fun together, like decorating the tree with her. Just don’t overexert yourself!

1 Month

Your baby’s senses are rapidly developing. She will be captivated by the bright colors, lights, and music. She will be transfixed when you pass anything in front of her face. Try dangling a brightly colored ornament in front of her, or crinkling some colorful wrapping paper near her. She will love it! 

2 Months

Sing to her this Christmas. The sound of your voice will be reassuring to her. She also loves to be touched and smiled at. It makes her feel more secure. Take advantage of this and let all your adoring relatives hold her. She’ll start telling the difference between people soon, but for now, she won’t cry when held by someone new. 

3 Months

By the third month, your baby is developing in leaps and bounds. She still enjoys being stimulated, so play some soft seasonal music to her and read aloud to her from any book you have on hand. You can also just chat away with your family members as she listens to your voice. 

Do it within reason, though. It is easy to forget that to your baby, all the new faces, sights, and sounds can overstimulate her developing senses. Watch her cues. Try to stick to her normal routines by putting her down for her naps as usual and giving her a bath as you normally would. While it may be hard to stick to a routine during the holidays, making the effort to do so is better than having an overtired baby on your hands!

4 Months

As surprising as this may sound, traveling for the holidays with a baby between 0 to 4 months is usually relatively easy. She is still adjusting to the world and will usually be quite calm or asleep for most of your journey. Ensure you pack a diaper bag with a change of clothes, diapers, and a travel cot. 

If you are bottle feeding, do not forget your bottles, formula, and sterilizer. If your journey is going to be a long one, bring some stuff to entertain her with as well, including soft books and musical toys like rattles

6 Months

By now your little one has grown so much that she is able to tell the difference between familiar faces and new ones. It will be harder for her to warm up to visitors now that she is more aware. Therefore, don’t expect her to enjoy sitting on Santa’s lap or to have a grand time with all your relatives. 

Your baby at this age will be comforted by the familiar. This means if you are traveling to a new destination, bring her swaddle blanket, her favorite toy, or your travel cot. Be vigilant about safety as well, because, at this age, most accidents are cot-related, fall-related from car seats, high chairs, changing tables, and burns from hot water. Be careful! 

7 Months

By 7 months, your baby is all about playing, exploring, and learning. She is also probably sitting up and sprouting her first tooth. She may also be creeping or crawling by now, so you have a mobile tiny human on your hands!

While her adventures and her budding sense of humor will make for lots of laughs with the family, she is still prone to being overstimulated and becoming fussy. So take it easy and try to stick to her routines. But let her enjoy the attention she’s getting from everyone when you can! 

8 Months

Playtime with an 8-month-old is a fun time. She is crawling and baby-talking at you, trying to use sounds, gestures, and facial expressions. However, she will also suddenly develop a strong fear of strangers. This isn’t a sign of regression but a normal stage in her development. She will be shy and clingy to you, so let her socialize with your relatives at her own pace. 

9 Months

Your baby may be walking by holding onto furniture around the house. This means no matter what you do, that Christmas tree will NOT be safe from her! Get her Christmas gifts that encourage physical activity, such as large balls and rocking horses. 

She may be more willing to interact with strangers, which is great news for your family members. Plus, if she has already had her first word, this is the perfect opportunity to show off!

10 Months

Your baby is probably very destructive around this age. Keep phones, glass items, and precious Christmas tree decorations away from her. She is also all about discovering new places around the house, so you might want to keep a close eye on her during the holiday celebrations!

11 Months

By month 11, your baby is becoming more and more independent. She is almost a toddler now! Perfect Christmas gifts for this age include pul land push toys like a baby doll stroller, activity centers, and ride-on toys. Blocks, stacking toys, shape sorters, and puzzles will help exercise her fine motor skills while toys like dolls, playhouses, play kitchens, and pretend food are great for imaginative play. 

12 Bonths

Your little one has now entered toddlerhood! She now knows what’s going on around you and she will be testing you at every turn. Learn to say no when she attempts to do dangerous things, such as reaching for a lighted candle. Consider celebrating Christmas at your own house to give you better control of the environment. 

As you celebrate the big day with your little one, remember to stick to her routine as much as you can. When she starts throwing tantrums, take her to a different room and read her a book or play with her a little until she calms down. 

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